A testület elnöki feladatait évtizedek óta magyar szakember látja el. A pozíciót dr. Nagy Attila, a Nemzeti Élelmiszerlánc-biztonsági Hivatal (Nébih) Élelmiszerlánc-biztonsági Laboratórium Igazgatóság igazgatója tölti be, míg az alelnöki feladatokat az Állatorvostudományi Egyetem Digitális Élelmiszerlánc Oktatási, Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovációs Intézet munkatársa, Dr. Farkas Zsuzsa látja el.
The virtual meeting posed new challenges for both the organizers and the participants, but also provided new opportunities, as this year professionals from all over the world could have joined even from regions where it was not possible in the past to attend the physical meetings and take part in formulating the key achievements of the Commission and consensual finalization of the work carried out previously. In total, there were more than 350 participants in the 41st session.
With the professionalism and flexibility of the participants, the meeting ended successfully even in the new situation, the guideline on measurement uncertainty was finalized, and as a last step, it is only waiting for the adoption of the Codex Alimentarius Commission before publication. Sampling guideline has also been adopted at this stage, and work on finalization will continue next year by an electronic working group. The set of standards for analytical methods is updated on a workable package basis, from which the review of standards for milk and milk products has been completed at this year’s meeting, the work will go on with workable packages on standards for cereals and fats / oils. A new workable package has been formulated for the review of standards for processed fruits by an electronic working group.