Chronic wasting disease and potential animal-human transmission
Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a fatal prion disease affecting cervids, including deer, elk, moose, and reindeer. Caused by misfolded prion proteins, it leads to neurodegeneration.
The identification of emerging risks is an ongoing process. The external communication of emerging risks is a complex task, with the methods, timing and target audience being determined on a case-by-case basis. Depending on the nature of the issue, the target group may be the authority (in particular the National Food Chain Safety Office – NÉBIH), senior managers, the professional community, food businesses or the wider community, consumers interested in the issue, etc. Not only emerging risks requiring action may be communicated, but some issues may also help to promote research or be important due to their educational character, and therefore may be communicated through communication channels such as the DFI's website.
Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a fatal prion disease affecting cervids, including deer, elk, moose, and reindeer. Caused by misfolded prion proteins, it leads to neurodegeneration.
There is an emerging food safety threat related to antimicrobial resistance (AMR), particularly colistin resistance in multidrug-resistant strains.
The emergence of the red dwarf bee in Europe may raise concerns about the introduction of new parasites and viruses and the potential economic consequences.
A vegán életmód és étrend az elmúlt években jelentős népszerűségre tett szert, azonban a „vegán” címkézés és annak követelményei továbbra is ellentmondásosak és hiányosan szabályozottak. A vegán termékekkel kapcsolatban gyakori probléma, hogy azt feltételezik róluk, hogy a “vegán” címke egyben allergén mentességet is jelent.
A recently published study examined whether sugar and sugar-sweetened beverage consumption was associated with premature aging in 3,322 childhood cancer survivors in the St. Jude Lifetime Cohort.
The market for nutritional supplements is a lucrative business segment that is less regulated and supervised. Advertising of dietary supplements is very effective, with 77% of Americans feeling that the industry is trustworthy.
A 2023 article highlighted the link between increased pesticide use and childhood cancers as a result of increased soy production.
Bacillus cytotoxicus is a member of the Bacillus cereus group with the ability to grow at high temperatures (up to 52℃) and to synthesize cytotoxin K‐1, a diarrhoeagenic cytotoxin.
In recent years, objections have arisen with many spice products from India. We summarize these issues here.
Since October of 2023 a lot have happened regarding Avian Influenza (AI). Therefore, an update was necessary to have more accurate information and incorporate new information and data about this virus.
Oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis) was recently reported in France which poses a significant threat to France's agricultural sector, necessitating serious attention as highlighted by a recent report from France’s food safety authority (ANSES).
Bluu Seafood, a German company developing “lab-grown” fish, was showcasing its first finished products. Founded in 2020, Bluu Seafood is one of several companies working to solve the world’s seafood production problems, which includes overfishing; contamination from heavy metals and plastic; and cruelty.
New research presented at a scientific conference has found that time-restricted eating, a form of intermittent fasting, may not be as beneficial for heart health as previously thought.
A significant scandal has emerged in the Italian dairy industry, following revelations that a dairy company in the Marche region used prohibited chemicals to adulterate raw milk.
The future of Spain's iconic paella dish is under threat due to the European Union's ban on the pesticide tricyclazole.
A trifluoroecetsav (TFA) amelyet gyakran “örök vegyületnek” neveznek, világszerte egyre gyakoribb ivóvízben és az esővízben, ami aggodalomra ad okot a lehetséges egészségügyi kockázatokkal kapcsolatban, bár a hatásairól szóló kutatások egyelőre korlátozottan állnak rendelkezésre.
In a US study published in February 2024, attention was drawn to the high presence of the pesticide chlormequat in urine samples.
Consumers worldwide are increasingly seeking healthier lifestyles and diets, leading to a growing demand for food products that contain fewer or no synthetic ingredients at all. Herbal extracts serve as a valuable source of biologically active components, however, they can also affect the characteristics of food products in both positive and negative ways.
Ethylene oxide is a fungicide and insecticide, also used for surface disinfection (for its antimicrobial effect). Its use as plant protection product is prohibited in the EU, the reason being that the chemical is carcinogenic, mutagenic and reprotoxic (teratogenic).
The detection of mono-n-hexyl phthalate (MnHexP) in urine samples has raised significant concerns regarding its potential health and environmental implications.