The impacts of the Russian-Ukrainian war
The conflict, which has been ongoing since the end of February 2022, could have a serious impact on food security and safety for several reasons.
Associations of Dietary Intake with Urinary Melamine and Derivative Concentrations among Children
Exposure to melamine and related compounds has been found to be widespread among the children studied, according to new research. Potential dietary contributors identified include consumption of red meat, certain high starch vegetables and yoghurt.
HE-FARM - Another research project receives funding
Recently, another Horizon Europe project has been awarded funding, in which our University is a consortium member.
UVMB successfully applied again for the EFSA's EU-FORA fellowship programme
For the second time, our University has successfully applied for the EFSA EU-FORA fellowship programme.
Strengthening governance at EFSA: new Management Board becomes operational
Az EFSA új Igazgatótanácsa 2022. július 1-jén kezdte meg működését. Az új irányítási modellben az összes tagállam képviselteti magát, a civil
társadalom, az élelmiszerláncban tevékenykedő érdekképviseleti szervezetek és az uniós intézmények képviselői mellett.
Detect, Prevent, Report: EFSA’s African swine fever campaign extended for a third year
EFSA continues efforts to stop the spread of African swine fever in Europe by extending campaign for a third year and launches new pilot activities in four countries.
Tenebrio molitor larvae extract, as a novel preservative
The extract showed inhibitory activity against several harmful bacteria and fungi.
Subglacial mercury
A new study has reported very high dissolved mercury concentrations.
New evidence on the neuropathological mechanisms of BMAA
In 2022 January a new review was published by Australian and Iranian researchers in Neurotoxicity Research about the neuropathological mechanism of BMAA.
Future foods
Scientists have compiled a list of some of the lesser-known plants that could be on our menus by 2050. The Russia-Ukraine war has highlighted the dangers of basing humanity's food supply on just a few globally traded cereals.