Bisphenol A
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) regularly reviews the safety of chemicals like BPA that can migrate into food and drinks from their containers.

Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical substance commonly used in the production of certain plastics and resins, such as polycarbonate plastic and epoxy resins. These materials are commonly found in water dispensers, food storage containers, reusable beverage bottles, and protective coatings for food and beverage cans.

In April 2023, EFSA published a re-evaluation of BPA's safety and significantly reduced the tolerable daily intake (TDI) from 4 micrograms per kilogram of body weight per day to 0.2 nanograms per kilogram of body weight per day. This new TDI is approximately 20,000 times lower than before.

The potential health risks associated with BPA have been known since the late 1990s. In 2018, the use of BPA in feeding bottles and certain food containers for children under three was banned in the EU.

Recent studies have shown an increase in the percentage of helper T-cell lymphocytes in the spleen, which could lead to allergic pulmonary inflammation and autoimmune diseases. Overall, EFSA's decision to lower the tolerable daily dose of BPA highlights the potential dangers associated with this chemical and emphasizes the need for caution when using products containing BPA.

EFSA's experts concluded that consumers with average and high exposure to BPA in all age groups exceeded the new TDI, indicating potential health concerns. EFSA's scientific advice supports the decision-making of the European Commission and EU Member States in setting limits on chemical migration from food packaging and implementing specific restrictions to protect consumers.


The European Commission is proposing to ban the use of Bisphenol A (BPA) in food contact materials, such as plastic and metal food containers, reusable water bottles, and drinking water pipes. The proposal includes a three-year transition period for varnishes, coatings, and professional food production equipment, while all other uses of BPA would be phased out in 18 months. However, there are exemptions for the disodium salt of BPA and the continued synthesis of bisphenol A diglycidyl ether, which is used in the manufacture of epoxy-based varnishes and coatings.

This proposal comes after the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) found that exposure to BPA was well above acceptable safety levels in a human biomonitoring study conducted in 11 European countries. The European Environment Agency also warned that up to 100% of participants in the study were likely exposed to BPA above safe health levels. As a result of the ban, businesses will need to find alternative substances to replace BPA in food contact materials.


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