Miklós Süth is a veterinarian with a food hygiene specialisation. In order to broaden his professional knowledge, he graduated from the Budapest Business School, Faculty of International Management and Business with a degree in Total Quality Management. Ha also acquired a TQM expert degree and a MSc (Master of Science (economy), TQM expert) certificate from the Dutch Hogeschool Zeeland. He was a member of the Food Hygiene Working Committee of the Hungarian National Committee of the FAO / WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission and the chairman of the Hungarian Working Committee on Meat Hygiene.
From 2003 to 2010, he worked in the public administration, first as a councillor in the Food Safety and Quality Control Department of the Animal Health and Food Control Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and then as a director of the National Food Inspection Institute. From 2005 he was the head of the Veterinary and Food Control Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and the chief veterinary officer of Hungary.
Between 2005 and 2010, he represented Hungary in the European Union Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO) Council Working Group, and he also was a delegate to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), in the European Union Potsdam Working Groups (USA, Canada, Switzerland) and led the Member States working group related to Asian countries.
From 2008 to 2010, he was a member of the National Anti-Counterfeiting Board, the head of the Working Group on Special Risk Products, the chairman of the Albanian Agricultural Working Committee, co-chair of the Russian, Ukrainian and Chinese Agricultural Working Committees, and the Hungarian co-chair of Serbian, Algerian, Vietnamese and Laotian cooperation. He was the chairman of the Hungarian National Committee of the FAO, the chair of the Hungarian Agricultural Economic Quality Award Committee, a member of the Consumer Protection Council, and the chairman of the food industry professional college of the Consumer Protection Council. The Association of Hungarian Spokespersons awarded its press work with the Prize for Authentic Information in 2007, which was awarded to a non-professional candidate for the first time.
From 2010 to 2018, he was the Strategic Director of Fornetti Franchise. In 2015, the Hungarian Food Journal selected him as one of the TOP50 FMCG experts in Hungary.
He obtained his PhD degree at the Doctoral School of Management and Organizational Sciences of University of Kaposvár. The basis of his scientific research was the analysis of the data collected on the food chain safety knowledge and awareness of the Hungarian society, and he made proposals for the methods of targeted and precise official risk communication.
Since 2018, he has been the Chief Adviser to the Rector of the University of Veterinary Medicine. In 2019, he participated in the work of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology for six months as a consultant, including his expert contribution to the preparation of the Government Resolution on the promotion and coordination of the digitization of Hungarian agriculture and the Digital Agricultural Strategy of Hungary.
From 2022, he is Head of the Department of Food Hygiene at UVMB and from 2023 also the Director of the Institute of Food Chain Science.