We are pleased to announce that the project CONTEMFood: contaminants in meat substitutes: recent perspectives on food safety, coordinated by our Department, has been awarded a grant from the National Research, Development and Innovation Office of Hungary.

Update on avian influenza

Since October of 2023 a lot have happened regarding Avian Influenza (AI). Therefore, an update was necessary to have more accurate information and incorporate new information and data about this virus.

Oriental fruit fly in Europe

Oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis) was recently reported in France which poses a significant threat to France's agricultural sector, necessitating serious attention as highlighted by a recent report from France’s food safety authority (ANSES).

Lab-grown fish products

Source: Bluu GmbH_Wim Jansen

Bluu Seafood, a German company developing “lab-grown” fish, was showcasing its first finished products. Founded in 2020, Bluu Seafood is one of several companies working to solve the world’s seafood production problems, which includes overfishing; contamination from heavy metals and plastic; and cruelty.

Risk associated with time-restricted eating

New research presented at a scientific conference has found that time-restricted eating, a form of intermittent fasting, may not be as beneficial for heart health as previously thought.

Trifluoroacetic acid

A trifluoroecetsav (TFA) amelyet gyakran “örök vegyületnek” neveznek, világszerte egyre gyakoribb ivóvízben és az esővízben, ami aggodalomra ad okot a lehetséges egészségügyi kockázatokkal kapcsolatban, bár a hatásairól szóló kutatások egyelőre korlátozottan állnak rendelkezésre.

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