The vegan label is no guarantee for people with food allergies

A vegán életmód és étrend az elmúlt években jelentős népszerűségre tett szert, azonban a „vegán” címkézés és annak követelményei továbbra is ellentmondásosak és hiányosan szabályozottak. A vegán termékekkel kapcsolatban gyakori probléma, hogy azt feltételezik róluk, hogy a “vegán” címke egyben allergén mentességet is jelent.

Main findings of the European Union One Health 2023 Zoonoses report

In 2023, listeriosis cases reached their highest level since 2007, while campylobacteriosis and salmonellosis remained the most frequently reported zoonotic diseases in the EU. Overall, reported cases of zoonotic diseases in humans increased, but foodborne outbreaks saw a slight decline.

Publications on biosecurity

Two new scientific articles have been published with the collaboration of our colleagues on biosecurity in poultry and turkey flocks.

Diet pills and protein powders in the USA

The market for nutritional supplements is a lucrative business segment that is less regulated and supervised. Advertising of dietary supplements is very effective, with 77% of Americans feeling that the industry is trustworthy.

Bacillus cytotoxicus

Bacillus cytotoxicus is a member of the Bacillus cereus group with the ability to grow at high temperatures (up to 52℃) and to synthesize cytotoxin K‐1, a diarrhoeagenic cytotoxin.


We are pleased to announce that the project CONTEMFood: contaminants in meat substitutes: recent perspectives on food safety, coordinated by our Department, has been awarded a grant from the National Research, Development and Innovation Office of Hungary.

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