Food applications of bioactive extracts
Consumers worldwide are increasingly seeking healthier lifestyles and diets, leading to a growing demand for food products that contain fewer or no synthetic ingredients at all. Herbal extracts serve as a valuable source of biologically active components, however, they can also affect the characteristics of food products in both positive and negative ways.
Potential outbreaks associated with the ban of ethylene oxide
Ethylene oxide is a fungicide and insecticide, also used for surface disinfection (for its antimicrobial effect). Its use as plant protection product is prohibited in the EU, the reason being that the chemical is carcinogenic, mutagenic and reprotoxic (teratogenic).
Mono-n-hexyl phthalate (MnHexP) found in the urine of numerous people
The detection of mono-n-hexyl phthalate (MnHexP) in urine samples has raised significant concerns regarding its potential health and environmental implications.
Cell-cultured cocoa
As the traditional cocoa growing areas along the Equator are threatened by climate change, alternative sources of cocoa are needed.
High levels of toxic PFAS and PFOS in freshwater fish
A new analysis of federal data by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) suggests that wild caught, freshwater fish in the United States are more contaminated with toxic PFAS chemicals than commercially caught ocean fish.
Rare earth elements in the food chain
The increasing use of rare earth elements (REEs) in many industrial sectors and in medicine is causing releases into the environment, which eventually lead to their introduction into the food chain.
Concerns about sweeteners
Concerns have recently been raised about several sweeteners. Below is a brief overview of the most important news.
Emerging issues related to pesticides
We constantly identify new issues about pesticides. Here we provide a brief summary of the most important cases.
Gloves used in the food industry are often contaminated
Billions of imported protective gloves arrive in the United States with potential chemical and microbiological contaminants, without any inspection procedures. For gloves used in the food industry, there is no requirement to be clean and intact, or be tested on arrival for chemical or microbiological contaminats.
World Food Safety Day 2024
On 7 June, food safety will once again take centre stage. To mark the World Food Day, this year the organisers are raising awareness of the need to prepare for sudden and unexpected events.