Feline coronavirus outbreak in Cyprus
Veterinarians have started administering molnupiravir, an anti-Covid drug known as Lagevrio, to cats in Cyprus to address an outbreak of feline coronavirus (FCoV-23) that began in January 2023.
Increasing number of fungi-linked hospitalisation
During the Covid U.S. researchers started to collect information about signs that COVID makes the spread of deadly fungi possible.
Food and feed from waste
The reduction of food waste and the transition to circular food production are receiving increasing attention worldwide. One of the goals is to create a more sustainable food system, with a focus on minimising food waste and recycling. Initiatives and innovations are helping to make full use of agricultural products, recycle food by-products, and develop conscious consumer habits to reduce losses in the food chain and promote planet-friendly practices.
The true nature of tricalcium phosphate used as food additive
French researchers investigated the physicochemical properties of the food additive tricalcium phosphate (TCP) (E341(iii)) in an article published in June 2023. The additive is used in powder-based foods, e.g. in baby formula, mainly because of its anti-caking properties and as a source of nutrients.
Nanoparticles for wastewater treatment
The application of nanoparticles can be linked to the food chain in many areas. In Ireland, for example, the first known nanoscale flocculant is Z15, which contains iron oxide (Fe3O4) with a size range of 1-60 nm.
New bioactive ingredient for medical food space
A BioFoodTech start-up, has developed a novel bioactive ingredient based on the natural mechanisms found in human breastmilk. The company has isolated exosomes, which are small particles, microRNAs, present in maternal milk.
Global spread of avian influenza (H5N1)
Since the beginning of 2020, there have been severe outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses (HPAI H5N1) belonging to the clade These outbreaks have been the most serious and significant ever recorded among avian populations in Europe, spanning the epidemic years 2020/21, 2021/22, and continued into the ongoing epidemic in 2022/23 [1].
"Harmless” Listeria species developing pathogenic resistance
Listeria monocytogenes, is a foodborne, pathogenic bacterium, is known worldwide for its resistance to various process (temperature, pH, preservation techniques). However, a recent study in South Africa shows that two non-pathogenic species – L. innocua and L. welshimeri, develop dangerous sequences that are potentially harmful to humans.
USDA researchers discover 33 new mycotoxin-producing fungi species
In a study published in January 2021, the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) identified 33 new strains of mycotoxin-producing fungi within the genus Fusarium.
Microbial fermentation for large-scale production of purple pigment
Octarine Bio, a Danish bio-based ingredients manufacturer, has joined forces with Ginkgo Bioworks, a US cell programming company, to engineer a strain capable of producing violacein and its derivatives, a purple pigment, through microbial fermentation.