Atherigona orientalis, a highly polyphagous and unregulated pest fly

At the 29th meeting of EFSA's Scientific Network on Emerging Risks, the following potentially emerging risk was brought to the attention of the DFI. Atherigona orientalis a pantropical and unregulated species, has recently been reported in mainland Spain, France, and Greece. The species has been intercepted multiple times during import controls in France on shipment originating from tropical countries.

Non-contact surfaces major route of Listeria monocytogenes contamination

The latest study, funded by the Center for Produce Safety (CPS), has disproved the previous assumption that raw materials are the main source of Listeria monocytogenes contamination in processing plants.

Hazard versus risk

Often used synonymously, but the two have different meanings. EFSA's new mini campaign highlights the difference between the two concepts.

Pests in Africa

In Africa, two major agricultural pests have recently been reported.

Influence of environmental factors on the prevalence of Campylobacter spp. in poultry farms

A recent study aimed to assess factors that influence the prevalence of Campylobacter spp. in chicken manure samples from open environment farms in the United States.

Pesticides and lithium in drinking water

Official reports and scientific studies are raising concerns about the pollution of drinking water and the associated health risks. Issues include potentially carcinogenic pesticide residues and the presence of lithium, which could increase the risk of infantile autism.

Study on PFAS in Danish organic eggs

The new European Union (EU) regulation regarding per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in specific food products has highlighted the necessity for a more sensitive method of PFAS analysis. In response to this need, the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) has successfully validated such a method, which has subsequently been utilized to analyze eggs obtained from Danish farms.

Silk protein as an edible food wrapper

Silklab at Tufts University has been using silk as a solution for various technological challenges. Scientists have transformed silk into useful materials, such as faux leather, optical sensors and coatings that can extend the shelf life of food.

Impact of taurine on health

Previous research with taurine, a semi-essential micronutrient, indicated a correlation between blood taurine levels and health, however its impact on aging remained unknown.

Biodiversity loss as driver

Biodiversity loss has many negative impacts, thus, protecting species and ecosystems and restoring nature must be a priority.

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