Concerns about dicamba herbicide
Since 2016, dicamba has been a popular herbicide on soybeans and other genetically modified species that are resistant to the drug. Dicamba offers a solution to the problem caused by glyphosate-resistant weeds, but it also carries a number of risks.
Dietary intake of sulfites could be a safety concern according to EFSA
High dietary intakes of sulfites could be a safety concern for consumers of foodstuffs that contain the additives, EFSA’s experts concluded in their updated assessment of sulfur dioxide (E220) and sulfites (E221-228). Gaps in toxicity data meant the extent of certain adverse health effects could not be confirmed.
Fraudulent honey is a serious problem
Several studies show that honey counterfeiting is a very common problem.
Food safety risks in the Edible Insect Industry in Europe—New Challenges and Old Problems
Egy nemrég megjelent áttekintő tanulmány a rovarok szerepét tárgyalja az európai agrárökoszisztémákban, kiemelve a rovarok hozzájárulását a fenntartható mezőgazdasághoz, a “farmtól az asztalig” (F2F) stratégiához és az európai Green Deal megállapodás teljesítéséhez.
Occurrence and potential risks of nanoparticles in food
A French analysis looked at the nanoparticle content of commercially available everyday products. Another study investigates the effects of nanoparticles in the development of food allergies.
Maternal Aflatoxin B1 Exposure: Effects on Foetal Neural Stem Cells
To study the impact of maternal exposure to aflatoxin B1 on the developing neurons and central nervous system of the foetus, researchers developed an in vitro model consisting of various human cell lines.
Methods to reduce the methane emission of dairy cattle
Researchers and scientists are actively exploring various strategies to reduce methane emissions from dairy cattle, as methane is a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change. Here are some of the methods and approaches they are investigating.
Studies on the safety of ZnO nanomaterials
Over the past few years, as research has progressed further, there has been a growing interest in the study of metal zinc oxide (ZnO) nanomaterials within the field of biology, specifically in biomedicine and food safety.
Bisphenol A
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) regularly reviews the safety of chemicals like BPA that can migrate into food and drinks from their containers.
Food contact materials
In the process of identifying emerging risks, we are constantly confronted with news stories that deal with food contact materials and their potential risks. Below is a summary of these news items.