The new upper limit value is stricter than the limit values of many other organizations, for example the US set the upper intake value at 100 mg in 1998 and the WHO as well in 2004, which is 8 times lower than the new EFSA reference value. If the planned limit value becomes finalized and is accepted by the EU decision-makers, certain manufacturers will have to change their products in order to comply with the regulations.
The evaluation was criticized because it was based on the 1987 research, which was also taken into account when determining the previous UL in 2000 by the SCF (Scientific Committee on Food). In this study, women undergoing treatment for premenstrual symptoms were observed and received vitamin B6 supplementation for 6 months to 5 years. The major international assessment organizations did not find this study reliable enough to determine an upper intake value.
EFSA also took into account a study conducted on Beagle dogs, from which the derived reference value was in a similar range.
A critical effect of vitamin B6 overdose is peripheral neuropathy, and alopecia in the case of selenium.
Depending on body weight, different, lower-level upper intake limit values have been established for children. Based on the available data, it is unlikely that the intake of EU consumers will exceed the new upper limit values. On the other hand, regular consumers of dietary supplements containing vitamin B6 and selenium, as well as high consumers of Brazil nuts in the case of selenium, were highlighted, in their case there may be an excessive intake of these nutrients.