Recently identified risks and signals

The identification of emerging risks is an ongoing process. The external communication of emerging risks is a complex task, with the methods, timing and target audience being determined on a case-by-case basis. Depending on the nature of the issue, the target group may be the authority (in particular the National Food Chain Safety Office – NÉBIH), senior managers, the professional community, food businesses or the wider community, consumers interested in the issue, etc. Not only emerging risks requiring action may be communicated, but some issues may also help to promote research or be important due to their educational character, and therefore may be communicated through communication channels such as the DFI's website.

Antibiotic treatment of citrus fruits

There is no cure for the disease known as citrus greening, and the main control method so far has been to remove contaminated trees and treat orchards with an insecticide to control the vector. In the USA, the treatment of plantations with certain antibiotics has been authorised.

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