Main findings of the European Union One Health 2023 Zoonoses report
In 2023, listeriosis cases reached their highest level since 2007, while campylobacteriosis and salmonellosis remained the most frequently reported zoonotic diseases in the EU. Overall, reported cases of zoonotic diseases in humans increased, but foodborne outbreaks saw a slight decline.
Publications on biosecurity
Two new scientific articles have been published with the collaboration of our colleagues on biosecurity in poultry and turkey flocks.
We are pleased to announce that the project CONTEMFood: contaminants in meat substitutes: recent perspectives on food safety, coordinated by our Department, has been awarded a grant from the National Research, Development and Innovation Office of Hungary.
Our new article is available
An article related to our work in the HOLiFOOD project was published.
World Food Safety Day 2024
On 7 June, food safety will once again take centre stage. To mark the World Food Day, this year the organisers are raising awareness of the need to prepare for sudden and unexpected events.
CCMAS conference 2024
The 43rd FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Committee of Analytical and Sampling Methods (CCMAS) meeting took place in a hybrid framework this year from 13-18 May 2024.
Report on the 'Modern inspections with new technology' symposium
Dr. Zsuzsa Farkas participated at the symposium 'Modern inspections with new technology' organised by the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) in The Hague at the end of February.
The "Full digitisation of the rabbit meat production" project has been ended
The aim of the project was to improve rabbit meat as a food product and the production process. The main tool is a big data analytical system fed by an automated data collection system, which can provide information from the barn to the table, covering the whole vertical of rabbit meat production.
New publication by our colleagues
A new paper by our colleagues explores patent networks that can help identify emerging technologies.
The 2022 Zoonoses Report is out
In 2022, campylobacteriosis and salmonellosis were the most commonly reported zoonotic diseases in humans in the EU. The number of cases was still lower than in the years 2018-2019 before the pandemic. An increase in the number of infections was observed for West Nile fever.