EU-FORA ösztöndíj lehetőségek
Idén is lehetőség nyílik pályázni az Európai Élelmiszerbiztonsági Hatóság EU-FORA ösztöndíjára Egyetemünk fiatal kollégáinak. A jelentkezési határidőt meghosszabbították.

Az ösztöndíj alatt egy évet lehet eltölteni egy Art 36-os partner intézményben. Az Intézetünkhöz több megkeresés érkezett, melyeket ezen az oldalon gyűjtünk és folyamatosan frissítjük. Pályázni az EFSA felé együttesen kell a küldő és fogadó félnek. Bármilyen kérdésben, mint az Egyetem EFSA kontakt pontja állunk rendelkezésre. A jelentkező fiatal kutatónak 3-15 év tapasztalattal kell rendelkeznie, továbbá fontos, hogy nem a kutató nyújtja be a pályázatot, hanem a két Art 36-os intézmény együttesen, az elnyerhető összeg 55.000 EUR.

Az EU-FORA részletes program felhívása itt található. A határidő 2022. május 16., azonban a felhívást közzé tett intézményeket érdemes minél hamarabb megkeresni a megadott elérhetőségeken.

Organisation offering a work programme (hosting site): Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology of CNR, Italy


WORK PROGRAMME 1) The main objective of the project is to proceed to a validation of a fluorescent biosensor for the detection of pesticides in food or water. Compare the data obtained from the biosensor with the same analysis carried out by using LC-MS. Evaluate the possibility to use the biosensing device for the determination  of the toxicity of the pesticide towards biological macro-molecules. Conduct an analysis of risk assessment using the toxicity parameters from the biosensing device. Keywords: Risk factors, biosensors, pesticides. Interested candidates can contact Ferdinando Febbraio ( for further details.

WORK PROGRAMME 2: The main objective of Environmental Modifiers causing Neurodegeneration (EMOgen) is to set- up a new eco-epidemiological approach to characterize at local scale the spatial relationships between neurodegenerative diseases (ND) occurrence and environmental risk factors. The fellow will be study and analyze the relation between exposure to pesticides (PE) and heavy metals (HM) and occurrence of ND are mostly based on regional scale. Keywords: Risk factors, neurodegenerative diseases, pesticides. Interested candidates can contact Emilia Vitale ( for further details.

Hosting site: Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway

Searching for a fellow to work on the use of NAM in toxicology (in silico/omics) and use of omics for feed/food fraud and authenticity analysis. Their projects mainly deal with fish and seafood/aquaculture.

Contact: Dr. Josef Rasinger

Hosting site: Risk Assessment Department at ANSES, France

Searching for a fellow on the following topic: “Determination of a method for assessing usual intakes. Practical application to iTDS exposure data”. The idea of this project would be to define a method for estimating usual intakes via a decision tree and to apply it to the case study of iTDS exposure data which will have to be updated with the latest consumption data.


Hosting site: Group of Food safety and Preservation of The Technical University of Cartagena (UPCT), Spain

Searching for a fellow to work on Training in tools to develop Risk ranking and Quantitative microbial (or chemical if relevant) risk assessment along the food chain of products relevant to both countries (Spain and country of origin of the fellow).

Interested institutions can contact directly: Prof. Pablo Fernández ( and the Oficina de Proyectos Europeos ( for further details.

Hosting site: The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment in the Netherlands (RIVM)

The institute offers a working programme on the use of whole genome sequencing (WGS) in risk assessment. It will focus on a literature study to find out in what way presently available WGS information can be used, which WGS information is needed that is not produced at the moment, and how present Quantitative Microbiological Risk Assessment (QMRA) models should be adapted to be able to accommodate WGS information.

Interested candidates can contact Eric Evers ( for further details.

Hosting site: German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR)

Title/topic: Risk Assessment of Food Contact Materials

Scientific evaluation of two dossiers for substances which will migrate from food contact materials into food. These dossiers follow the EFSA note for guidance and are submitted for materials and substances for which there are no harmonised EU regulations. Hence, the scientific assessment is comparable to the safety assessment of a substance to be used in plastic food contact materials done by EFSA. Therefore, the fellow will get a deep insight into the risk assessment in accordance to EFSA guidelines. The fellow will also have the opportunity to carry out a project in the National Reference Laboratory for Food Contact Materials which is located at BfR.

Contact details:

Hosting site: German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR)

Title/topic: Development of a qualitative risk assessment for meat from wild boar form a one-health perspective.

Wild boar meat enters the food chain due to its culinary value and the necessity for population control. Both food safety as well as animal health risks are associated with harvesting, processing and consumption of wild boar meet. The risks of microbial pathogens (bacteria, viruses, parasites) and contaminants (PFAs, lead, cadmium etc.) constitute relevant food safety issues. Biosecurity issues arise from the potential spread of animal pathogens such as African swine fever virus during processing or via pork products. Since assessing all possible food safety and animal health risks in connection to wild boar meet is too ambitious for an EU-FORA project, the qualitative risk assessment should concentrate on a selection of one or two elements from each group. The selection will be discussed at the beginning of the project and depend on the information available and the interest of the participating fellow. Here, a state of art qualitative risk assessment should be carried out with the development of a pathway and detailed description of the risks along each point of the pathway. This is a step further from a literature review of the present information. Most qualitative risk assessments lack real transparency and this should be addressed here. The project is meant to be a show case for a qualitative risk assessment. To obtain the necessary information, a thorough literature search has to be carried out and a review of the current knowledge to characterize the risks and the uncertainty of the information. The result will be a qualitative risk assessment with a detailed transparent description as well as a graphical description for risks and uncertainties, considering also prevalences and concentrations in case of the microbial risk assessment. These qualitative assessments in combination constitute an illustration of a risk profile which can also be tailored to specific target groups (hunters, public). The result should inform the public about possible problems (part of the project is risk communication and graphical design) and could also be used as a basis for a subsequent quantitative risk assessments.

Contact details: or

Hosting site: Institute of Agricultural and Food Biotechnology – State Research Institute, Poland

Title/topic: Threat-or-treat: Chemical risk assessment of confectionery products in various age groups of European population

Description: We are looking for one person willing to expand their knowledge on chemical risk assessment and up-to-date food analysis methods. The scope of the fellow work programme will include investigation of a wide range of chemical hazards that consumers can be exposed to through candies, chocolate, and pastry products. The work will include laboratory work as well as mathematical analysis of own and literature data allowing accomplishment of risk assessment. The threats will be selected in cooperation with the fellow to cover wide range of chemical entities as well as analytical methods used for their analysis.

Exemplary topics include:

  • cadmium in chocolate
  • high intensity sweeteners in carbonated drinks
  • acrylamide in pastry products
  • caramelization products (THI and 4-MEI) in toffee candies

Contact details:

Hosting site: Institute of Agricultural and Food Biotechnology – State Research Institute, Poland

Title/topic: Surveillance of the progress of the food industry in reducing industrial isomers trans fatty acids (iTFA) in food products.

Exposition and  chemical risk assessment of various age groups of Polish population on trans – isomers of fatty acids (TFA) coming from respective groups  of food products and evaluation similarity with various European population

Limiting industrial trans fatty acids in food to protect consumers in the EU

Description: We are looking for one person willing to expand their knowledge on chemical risk assessment and up-to-date food analysis methods. The scope of the fellow work program will include investigation of a wide range of chemical hazards that consumers can be exposed to through consumption of food products containing solidified ,hydrogenated,  transesterificated oils and/or fats. The work will be performed by participation on surveillance studies of different food product and analysis fatty acids profiles including trans fatty acids profiles by means gas chromatography/mass spectrometry methods allowing to separate “natural – nTFA” of “industrial iTFA” according to EU regulation (EU 2019/649 of 24 April 2019) . In the framework of surveillance studies work will  include laboratory work based on the method of analysis according to WHO Laboratory Protocol (Global protocol for measuring fatty acid profiles of foods, with emphasis on monitoring trans-fatty acids originating from partially hydrogenated oils. World Health Organization 2020), and critical reviewing  EFSA data and available scientific literature  allowing accomplishment of risk assessment.

Contact details: and / or

Hosting site: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

Title/topic: Quantitative tools in predictive microbiology.

Training in the use and development of predictive models for assessing the bacterial/fungal responses for survival, growth and the probability of microbial recovery. Assessments will include but not limited to microbial responses under different food processing/preservation scenarios and antimicrobial assessments of nanoparticles. Use and applications will be performed by programming in MATLAB. Analysis and interpretation of data could be used as inputs in microbial/toxicological risk assessments studies.

Contact details:

Az ÁTE érdeklődő kollégái kérdés esetén Dr. Engelhardt Teklát ( kereshetik.


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